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Philanthropy Industry Global Economy
Size Assessment

In an era where technology has revolutionized numerous industries – such as finance, health, agriculture, and energy – by maximizing their efficiency, transparency, and accountability, there is no good reason why philanthropy cannot also be brought up to speed with these tech-driven industries which, due to their profit motive and incentive structure, are characterized by high rates of innovation and increasing efficiency. The present teaser (and upcoming full report) showcases the frameworks and analyses that will make this industrialization of philanthropy possible. In this assessment, we estimate the size of the global philanthropy ecosystem at 4 trillion USD, 4% of global GDP.

Global Philanthropy Industry in 2023

100 000 
50 000
12 000
Social Enterprises
5 000
Investors with Purposes

Infographic Summary

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One Pager



Global Philanthropy Ecosystem 2023

Relogious Organizations
Donor-Advised Funds
Government Agencies
Intergovernmental Organizations
Phlanthropy Ecosystem
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AI Industry Global Economy Size Assessment

The Artificial Intelligence sector is experiencing unprecedented growth. The US generative AI companies alone have garnered $8 billion in investments between 2020-2022. Our comprehensive analysis projects the global AI economy to reach a staggering $32 trillion by 2027. For a detailed and holistic overview of this burgeoning market, we invite you to access our report. All pertinent analytics, data, and trends have been systematically consolidated for your perusal. Stay informed — understand the future trajectory of the AI industry with AI Industry Analytics.

AI Economy

AI Industry Analytics – Powered by Deep Knowledge Group

AI Industry Analytics is a subsidiary of Deep Knowledge Group, a data-driven consortium of commercial and non-profit organizations active on many fronts in the realm of DeepTech and Frontier Technologies (AI, Longevity, BioTech, Pharma, FinTech, GovTech, SpaceTech, FemTech, Data Science, InvestTech), ranging from scientific research to investment, entrepreneurship, analytics, consulting, media, philanthropy and more.

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