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Global Philanthropy and Impact Investing Ecosystem
Methodology and Approach: The definitional criteria for inclusion used for the Global Philanthropy and Impact Investing Ecosystem platform is intentionally broad in order to promote a diversity of opinions regarding which activities are and are not encompassed by “Philanthropy Industry”. Often, the qualifying criteria associated with the term “Philanthropy and Impact Investing” will vary by region, sector, and occupational profession (e.g., scientists vs. entrepreneurs vs. investors vs. policy makers). In the Global Philanthropy and Impact Investing Ecosystem we highlight philanthropic organizations as well as corporations that make social impact investments. Those organizations that make philanthropic contributions refer to charities or NGOs. Companies, corporations and startups that create social impact are Businesses with the purpose.
While the core framework used for inclusion in the platform is provided by Deep Knowledge Philanthropy, in alignment with the Philanthropy Industry Framework the company has been using in its various analytical projects, special case studies, IT-Platforms and Big Data Analytical Dashboards, including Africa Charity Dashboard, the use of an expanded set of qualifying criteria have been used on a case-by-cases for specific industries, domains (e.g., Policy and Governance vs. Industry vs. Academia), and regions in accordance with what Deep Knowledge Philanthropy analysts and staff consider to be consensus.
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Philanthropy Leaders Database
The interactive database aggregates personalities having a significant impact on the development of the AI Industry. The database involves decision makers who are either involved in the development of advanced AI solutions, or are trusted visionaries who are making projections for the future of AI.