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What is the purpose of Philanthropy International?Philanthropy International is a platform built to maximize philanthropy’s potential using Artificial Intelligence and advanced data analytics systems to provide effective impact in the global philanthropy space.
Who can use Philanthropy International?Philanthropy International is an ecosystem created to foster effective collaboration between Individuals, Nonprofits, Charities, Government Leaders, Community Leaders, Donors, Venture Philanthropists, Volunteers and all stakeholders in the global philanthropy sector.
What makes Philanthropy International so unique?Philanthropy International is an all-encompassing ecosystem built from the ground up using advanced data analytical models developed by Deep Knowledge Group, integrated with AI modelling that helps provide specific insights that lead to effective decision making in philanthropy. It also comes integrated with a networking platform that allows Volunteers, Charities, Donors, and all philanthropic stakeholders to collaborate, synergize, and interact, delivering more efficient results.
How do I register on the platform?To register, visit and sign up as a user. Philanthropy International is an ecosystem that hosts the Big Data Analytical System / Dashboard, and the Philanthropy International Interactive Platform The Big Data Analytical System / Venture Philanthropy Dashboard Platform is a thematic dashboard built to deliver on-demand analytical intelligence in the global philanthropy sector, leveraging AI and advanced data science and analytics to provide detailed information about individual players in the global philanthropy space, from charities to donors, to impact investors, and much more. It has a database of over 4,900 charities which can be analysed in-depth via SWOT analysis. The Philanthropy International Interactive Platform is a socially interactive platform that connects global philanthropy players effectively and efficiently with the promise to provide efficiency, accountability, and transparency across all philanthropic activities.
How do I Use The Philanthropy International Platform?Using a mobile device or a laptop, go to and click on any of the buttons at the top area of the page that perfectly fits your needs. You’ll be taken to the home page with a click of a button. On the home page, signing up and registration has been made easy. You can register your charity directly on Philanthropy International using your Individual or Charity’s social media accounts or email address. After which, choose your role that perfectly describes how you would like to interact with Philanthropy International Following the Verification of your email address and other verification steps on the platform, you can now explore Philanthropy International through your newly created profile and access all its functionalities.
How do I Explore Philanthropy International’s Interactive Dashboard?The Dashboard provides you with a clear and transparent overview of the total number of charity projects, the total number of volunteers, the total number of donors, and the total number of charity organizations on the platform, all updated in real-time. For Charities, you can create a new project by going to the Discover Projects section and clicking on the Create Project button. Fill in the details of your project - From General Information about your charity project, to the team members involved in your project, to the required philanthropic support you require for your project. Once done, you can click on the preview tab to preview your project, or save it and publish the project For Volunteers, you can explore Philanthropy International by clicking on the Discover Projects button. You can search for projects seeking volunteers using different parameters and when you find a project you are interested in, you can either join the project right away by clicking on the Volunteer button or Add it to Your Collections by clicking the “Add to Collections” button, so that you can review the project at a later time. The chat section is open for you to have direct contact with project leaders for easier collaboration. For Donors, Philanthropy International can help you Discover Projects that matter to you, to access these projects click on the Discover Projects button, once the projects are displayed, you can filter and narrow your search by type and financial support, once you select the type of support, click on the Donate button or Add to collections so you can review and stay updated with the project at a later time. Once you wish to donate, click the donate button and input your card details. You can keep track of your donations by clicking on the donations tab, and you can modify your account information right on the settings page.
How to Sign In?To Sing In please visit next page:
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